Where Warmth & Kindness Thrives
Many, many moons ago, when I was just an intern, I drove a Perodua Kancil with a faulty fuel gauge. One evening, I was driving towards BSC when my car started sputtering. I realised it was running low on fuel. I managed to stop in front of BSC’s entrance and the lovely valet boys came to my rescue. Years have passed but they still recognise me and that embarrassing incident. And they’re still as lovely and as helpful.
“Behind the fancy restaurants and upmarket shops, the people of Bangsar retain the warmth and kindness that Malaysians value.”
For me this sums up the spirit of Bangsar. Behind the fancy restaurants and upmarket shops, the people of Bangsar retain the warmth and kindness that Malaysians value.

Bangsar used to be my party grounds, but as I grew up, so did Bangsar. It’s where I lived when my first child was born, and where my kids now attend playgroup. It’s where I get my hair done and see my doctor; where my husband and I browse for books or have a quiet afternoon date. From the best vadeh to designer chocolates, Bangsar manages to be classy but never snooty.
Daphne Iking
TV Anchor, Journalist and Emcee

Another quality project by
T117A, Bangsar Shopping Centre,
285, Jalan Maarof, Bukit Bandaraya,
59000, Kuala Lumpur.
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